Signs have been making businesses stand out from the rest since commerce itself was just a wee nipper. Nowadays, with 99% of signage being designed on a computer and made with vinyl, you can make your business stand out with the human touch, via a Signwriter who is geekishly passionate about letterforms and layout, with just his hands, some brushes and a bit of paint.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Upmarket birds...

Birds of Prayer...


I did this a good while ago now, but only just got a photo of it.  You can find this polite notice just by the bogs at the Canteen in Bristol

Monday, 15 November 2010

MTV cribs...for birds or summink

Also coming up in the birdhouse range will be Goldfinch Jewellery, Fight or Flight Boxing Gym, a church( for Birds of Prayer)...and more! These will all be for sale, people, so getcha self a hand-made, hand-painted one-off birdhouse for the birds in, err, your life. GOING CHEEP! Sorry.
Also, any other cheap ornithilogical punnage greatly welcome. In particular, the name for a gay bar. The best I've come up with so far, is the Tool Nest.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Biblos Mezze Bar

For cheap and delicious meaty treats, go to...